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  • WITH LINKS: Updates, Assistance, and Things You Can Do Right Now to Impact Our Upcoming Election

WITH LINKS: Updates, Assistance, and Things You Can Do Right Now to Impact Our Upcoming Election

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: We’re resending this because lots of folks let us know yesterday’s version didn’t link to the Quick Reference Guides. Sorry about that, friend. The link is in now!

Updates Assistance, and Things You Can Do Right Now to Impact Our Upcoming Election

UPDATE: North Carolina Report from the Front Lines

I spent the past week travelling across the most devastated parts of North Carolina. What we saw was … the best of American resilience. The best of Americans helping Americans.

While we were there, helping in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Milton hit Florida, and fires raged across of Wyoming. I believe we’ll continue to experience nationwide traumas and disasters from now through the election. Whether acts of God or man-made nightmares, I think more is in store. Stay strong.

Emergency election rules have been established in North Carolina. Passed by state legislature and implemented by bipartisan consensus, these new rules will allow for the creation of new polling places and other supporting measures, in the most critically damaged areas of Western North Carolina.

True the Vote is working with leaders on the ground to help support voter outreach and messaging efforts. We’ll know more specifics this week. Will keep you posted.

UPDATE: Ballot Dropbox Monitoring in WI, MI, and Beyond

We’ve previously posted about our work across Wisconsin, planning Ballot Dropbox monitoring. Now, the effort is expanding to Michigan! On October 17th, Gregg Phillips and I will begin working our way across the state, setting plans in motion to create as secure and transparent a process as citizens can help provide. Stay tuned for more information - we hope to begin live streaming footage next week!

ASSISTANCE: Election Observer Quick Reference Guides Are Ready!

Calling all election observers! Polling Place Quick Reference Guides are ready for download. To all the volunteers who worked countless hours helping the TTV team put these state specific guides together - THANK YOU! Election observers - click here to get your copy!

ASSISTANCE: Multi-Language Non-Citizen Election Notice Now Available

We are fortunate to hear from American citizens who’ve come here from all over the world - and they are extremely concerned that the federal election illegality of non-citizen voting is not being clearly communicated. In fact, non-citizens are routinely offered voter registration opportunities, taking an already awful situation and making it devastating. If you have are part of a community that would benefit from clear communication, you can find a download here 👇. And, if you don’t see the language you need, let us know!


Made for voters, election workers, and anyone who has a question about elections, or something to report, or wants to read questions and reports. Keep alert with VoteAlert!


  1. Make Sure Everyone You Know Is Registered and Ready to Vote - If this sounds like a good idea, but don’t quite know how to start a discussion, use Scan.Check.Protect. as your conversation starter! With just a few clicks, your family and friends can register, check their registration, remove invalid registrations, and even track your ballot. Click here to go to Scan.Check.Protect. then forward it via email and text to everyone you can!

  2. Call the Party or Candidate of Your Choice and Offer Help - campaign teams are working hard to reach their voters. Though True the Vote is nonpartisan, we’ve created a list of election contacts by state, so you can connect in whatever way you see fit. Click here for state contacts and get involved!

  3. Serve! Election Workers are Still Needed - While you’re reaching out to your party or candidate, ask to serve as an election worker or poll watcher. Depending on your state, the deadline to sign-up and serve may have passed - call and find out!

  4. Pray! Never underestimate the mighty power of prayer, my friend. Our country is in jeopardy, our election process is vulnerable, Americans across the country are hurting, but then GOD! Set a daily timer to remind you to pray every day. I’ll do it with you. Right now, I’m setting a timer on my phone to remind me to pray every day at noon. Please make time for prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Believe it!

  5. Donate If You Can - If you can support the efforts of True the Vote, or any organization engaging in efforts to save our republic, please do. We are expending significant resources in VoteAlert support, data and analysis, advertising, dropbox monitoring, voter outreach, specialized teams on the ground, and of course, who can ever forget … legal fees 😑. B And if you are already a donor … thank you so, so much! Your support is how we remain standing!

Next week I’ll be in Michigan, then likely back in North Carolina. Others from the TTV team will be in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. We will not stop grinding until the dust has settled on the November 5th election. Maybe you are already serving in some capacity, but not, and if you have been waiting for the time to engage, the time is NOW!

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

- Ronald Reagan

We can do this friends, but it is up to us.

Keep the Faith. Never quit. Ephesians 6 FTW!

Ever onward -

P.S. Please join me Monday night on the Onward podcast at 7p et!