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  • URGENT: We need your support to stay in the fight

URGENT: We need your support to stay in the fight

Please consider making a donation to help us stay standing

Friend -

We’ve talked for some time about the coming of dark days. They are now upon us.

Do not fear.

It had to be this way. This moment had to come. The darkness must be defeated. The corruption of our country can not continue.

The question is, what will you do to help?

We are fully committed to winning. I believe we will win - and not just the election - America is rising.

Yes, our organization is being attacked on all sides. Yes, parts of our justice system have been co-opted. Yes, the Executive Branch of government has been weaponized. Yes, there are foreign actors pressing in. Yes. It’s true.

But nothing … nothing … can arrest the God-given, spirit-filled gift of freedom that is WORTH fighting for. And that gift of freedom, given not by government but endowed to us by our Creator, is like a flame, exposing the darkness and lighting our path.

Please help us if you can. We need financial support now more than ever. From lawsuits (read the latest from WSJ) to our ongoing work in cleaning up voter rolls (over 30,000 volunteers and over 200,000 ineligible records challenged) to our rallies and events (check out our social media), it’s all happening right now. But what’s coming will eclipse all other efforts.

We are building a collaborative effort across the pro-liberty movement to provide recruitment, training, mobilization, and support this election cycle. Our goal is 1,000,000 pro-liberty election workers. We can do it. After 15 years in this effort, we know how the ground game works. But scaling takes resources.

We’ve had an amazing donor offer a match up to $150,000. This means if we can raise $150,000 now, they will match it dollar for dollar.

I’m asking for your help to meet the match. I know it’s a hassle, and you get asked for donations all the time, but please help us now if you can. Every penny will be put to good use.

We will not quit. I am all in. For your children and for my own.

Now is the time. Step onto the battlefield with us. Let’s save our country.

Ever onward -

P.S. Sometimes the attacks against us get to be a bit much. If you ever feel overwhelmed, be assured you aren’t alone. And remember this…

“You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip. You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip. You’ve never turned the wrong to right. You’ve been a coward in the fight.”

- Charles Mackay