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- True the Vote Responds in a Big Way
True the Vote Responds in a Big Way
All the latest news from the front lines of True the Vote

What’s Happening with True the Vote?
Lots. You may have noticed we’ve taken particularly harsh incoming for the past several weeks. The Georgia State Election Board sued us (making it the third lawsuit we’re fighting in the state.) Next came a much discussed Wall Street Journal editorial that repeated the same inaccuracies we’ve heard so many times before (though it was the first time from the Journal.) Then there were the Michigan and Georgia alternate elector indictments. All leading, of course, to the indictments leveled at President Donald Trump.
It’s a difficult time to be a truth teller. Or to debate. Or even ask questions.
Which is exactly why we cannot stop.
There was something, many things actually, very wrong with the 2020 Election. And as Americans, we have the constitutional right to talk about election integrity without fear of retribution like indictments, lawsuits, prison, or any other form of persecution. But yet … here we are.
Only if we keep praying and working will this situation get better. Let’s go!
Eyes on Georgia.
This week we're Atlanta-bound, accompanying our all-star legal team to present an important argument in one of our cases. This one involves the movie “2000 Mules” and a recent Supreme Court ruling concerning the definition of intimidation, which is (of course) what we’re being accused of. That's all I can say for now, but I’ll keep you updated. This could make for a legal tidal wave in contemporary jurisprudence.
Additionally, we’ve filed our response in the Georgia State Election Board suit. Here is our Motion to Dismiss, hot off the press.
And, tonight we’ll tell our side of the story of Georgia - a story no one has heard before. Please join us if you can.
Keep Foreign Influence Out.
Though Konnech withdrew their lawsuit against us, it's essential to remember that situation is far from resolved. We're pushing on both federal and state fronts to ensure foreign orchestrated software breaches are stopped and those who knew and remained complicit are now held accountable. Our aim is to make sure this never happens again.
A Whole New Look Is Coming Soon.
We’re also preparing to reveal a whole new look and feel for True the Vote; one that celebrates the greatness of our republic and the commitment to representation through the voice of the vote. We’ll be sharing new tools to use for everything from voter registration to election day support. 2024 will be the biggest election of our lives. We aim to be ready!
We need you.
It is hard to put into words how great our need is. To fund these many critical initiatives is expensive, yes, but to ward off constant, daily attacks while preparing for 2024 initiatives - it is both financially and emotionally very costly. We are staying the course, our spirits are strong, but we need your help. Please consider joining with us. Help strengthen us to make a shared impact in the future of our beloved republic.
Keep the faith. Never quit.
Ever onward,

P.S. A friend recently pointed out a significant lesson in Paul's letter to the Corinthians -- in Chapter 6, he calls out the Corinthian church for bringing frivolous legal cases against one another. There's no mistaking Paul's rebuke. They were using the law as a weapon to exact revenge or gain control. Sound familiar? Paul cross examines those who are so eager to engage in lawfare, encouraging them to remember who judges all things in the end. We are battle weary, but we won't forget! May God continue to bless and keep America.