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  • True the Vote Update | Lots of News + Heading to North Carolina

True the Vote Update | Lots of News + Heading to North Carolina

Hi Friend -

I have updates on a variety of things, so this is going to be long. Please bear with me.

Heading to North Carolina

Tomorrow, several of us from the True the Vote team head to North Carolina. It’s a long story for a different day, but back in 2022, after we became aware of how trackable we all are (through our geospatial/cell phone project), Gregg Phillips and I began to work on solutions to increase personal privacy. That research turned into a company called Klok. Klok’s product offerings now include anonymous hotspots and CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Services) radios. These CBRS radio can extend Starlink signals for miles. So, we are headed there to help extend cell coverage to thousands of people who are too far away to pick up Starlink signal. Maybe that’s TMI, but I wanted you to know what’s happening. I will keep you posted.

We are also working on duplicating the VoteAlert project platform to launch another version of the platform focused on relief efforts. We’re calling it CPR (Citizen Patriot Response). People will be able to call or write for help using the app or toll-free hotline, and God-willing, we will be able to connect them with the resources they need by tapping into the growing network of amazing patriots who are pulling together to save our fellow Americans. Will keep you posted on this, too.

Elections in Hurricane Helene Disaster Areas

A bit of good news. I’ve spoken with leadership in North Carolina regarding the upcoming election. One key leader told me “RFK, Jr. saved our elections”. She explained that his removal from the ballot caused a change in processing that altered the timeline for paper ballot production and storage, which resulted in ballot materials for all 25 of the most heavily impacted counties being spared from the hurricane. No damage. Setting up polling places, receiving ballots, etc, will still be a challenge, but the necessary materials appear to be intact. Nothing short of a miracle. We all know that is not the focus right now, but still, it was good to hear.

As to how TTV will be able to help with elections in the storm-ravaged parts of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida, I don’t know, but I have some ideas. I hope to learn more while I’m there on the ground.

ALERT: Check Your Voter Record

We continue to receive reports from engaged voters who’ve taken the challenge to check their state record and have found their registration was either inactive or missing altogether. Please take two minutes and check your voter registration record. You can check right here 👇

Chances are that you’ll find your record with no problem, but why take the chance? If you find your registration to be inaccurate in any way, call your county, or go by the office, as soon as possible to correct the issue. If your registration is missing, you will need to re-register before the registration cut-off. State registration deadlines are posted here.

Ballot Dropbox Transparency Project

Thank you to everyone who is helping support this effort. We traveled across Wisconsin this week, collecting exact dropbox locations and meeting with engaged citizens and law enforcement. Next stop, Michigan.

The goal is to enhance ballot dropbox security by providing video livestreams of the dropboxes, so that America can see the boxes for themselves. True the Vote is providing camera gear, hotspots, and streaming support. The team at Open.Ink will host livestream video feeds, along with archival of the footage.

It’s been great to see that several counties, including Maricopa County, Arizona and counties across Ohio, are also livestreaming their ballot dropbox cameras. We plan to feature those streams on Open.Ink, as well.

We’ve also written to states, counties, cities, and other municipalities, requesting ballot dropbox video footage, from the time the dropboxes are opened until close on Election Day. Unlike what happened in 2020, we are now very well prepared on this front.


We are seeing a steady growth in the use of VoteAlert. If you don’t already have the app on your phone … or don’t even know what I’m referring to … please check out VoterAlert.org. This is a great way to stay in touch, get questions answered, and get help if you need it. If you are part of an organization that would like to use the app to coordinate with volunteers and voters, please contact us. Would love to work with you.

Election Observer Quick Reference Guides Are Ready!

Please check out our newly published page of State Specific Quick Reference Guides. These guides focus on essential “must knows” for anyone working at a polling place. Each guide was meticulously researched by an amazingly diligent group of volunteers who spent hundreds of hours compiling information. Thank you!! Amazing job, team!!

The Trial of Tina Peters

Scott Crabtree/The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel via AP, Pool, File

Up until just a few days ago, I was not aware of Tina Peters’ full story. I thought I knew it. I didn’t. What happened in a Colorado courtroom this Thursday was more than a miscarriage of justice. It was evil.

Tina Peters attempted to expose corruption within the election process she was responsible for overseeing.

The result? A 69-year-old American with no criminal record, a Gold Star mom, who lost two additional family members during her initial incarceration (which is in itself unbelievable), who was brutalized by law enforcement (video to prove it), and was not allowed to present evidence in her case, was sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Why? To send a message to us all. To break us down and shut us up. Don’t let them.

Please consider making a donation to Tina’s Give. Send. Go. account. Her legal bills are overwhelming. You can read more about her case there, too.

DeKalb County GA Republican Party v. Raffensperger (aka The Dominion Encryption Keys lawsuit)

This case was brought in the hope that the court would require the state of Georgia to follow election laws in the securing of election equipment. In their case, they proved that Dominion encryption keys (passwords) are, in fact, publicly exposed and readily available. The case was heard on Monday. Wendi Mahoney wrote a great article for us, detailing the play by play of the trial. You can read it here.

Unfortunately, the case was dismissed on Friday. This does not mean that the problem isn’t real. The problem is real, and it remains. The court’s opinion was that the DeKalb had no “clear legal right to their demanded relief”.

Clearly, this is disheartening. BUT, much like with ballot dropboxes, now that the problem has been made clear, there will be millions of informed citizens ready to engage if there is evidence of process exploitation.

In 2020, the evidence was there, but we didn’t understand what we were looking at. Now, we do.


The best possible deterrent to election fraud is an engaged citizenry, ready to serve, to ask questions, and to demand accountability. If you want to work in your local elections, please contact them and get involved. Your community needs you! You can find out more about connecting with your county or local municipality on our State Election Info page.

The Rest of the Story …

There’s much more I’d love to share, but the above is already a lot to take in. Bottom line, we are well-positioned and watching on many fronts; voter roll activity, voter support, polling place support, ballot dropbox security, just to name a few. As the days tick down, waiting, watching, reporting, and being prepared to act, is the right posture for TTV as an election integrity organization. But for each of us as individuals, there is nothing more important than voting and helping ensure all our family and friends vote, too. We can keep bad actors at bay and still lose if voters don’t show up.

Vote. Serve. Pray. Pray. And Pray again.

Never quit. Keep the faith. Stay strong. Together, there’s nothing we can’t do.

Ever onward -