Leadership Update



Dear --Oh my gosh!  Sorry to have gone radio silent about the setting up of state teams - we have not forgotten about you!!   The IRS Targeting Scandal/lawsuit has been pulling much of our time away from our most pressing mission, the Forensic Audit.  Hmmph. Imagine that....the IRS being a huge distraction. Some things never change.  Take a look at the video below for a brief explanation/update on the IRS Court win and what we must do now.Please note: This video message was included in a fundraising letter we sent earlier today (which you may have also received). We're sending it to our state teams folks because we thought you'd like to see the video to better understand what's happening...but, we don't mean it to be a "double-fundraiser" , it's just the fastest way to fill you in :).

Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote, gives a brief overview of the courtroom victory in the IRS Targeting Scandal and lays out next steps

So, that's what's been going on.  Now, back to the True the Vote State Teams........

We are so excited to take you up on your gracious offer to engage in a True the Vote state team to help expose election fraud and develop best electoral practices!

Plans still need to be solidified, but we are very close to making a major announcement that will give a turbo boost to all our organizing efforts. Look for a Facebook Live event to be announced soon! 

We will be back in touch shortly . . . and more often.  You are so very important in this groundbreaking effort.

Click below to learn more about the exciting initiatives in the 4-Year 5 Point Plan. 

Thank you for your willingness to serve - we look forward to working with you in the days ahead! 


The True the Vote Team