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- GOOD STUFF: Updates from True the Vote
GOOD STUFF: Updates from True the Vote
Commit today to work in your local elections in 2024.
Hi friend -
I’m writing from the air, on a flight to meet with our tech team and plan out the launch of new services coming in the weeks ahead - busy times! Want to share a few important updates with you:
We Made the Match! - You may remember the fundraising letter I sent out about a week and a half ago (if you don’t, I don’t blame you 🙂. We’re all getting a zillion requests for support.) A gracious donor had offered to match all donations up to $150,000. Well, we met the match! Thank you! We still have a huge hill to climb with fundraising, but we’re getting there.
Blocking and Tackling - We continue to receive a large number of emails stating that supporters are blocked from accessing our website through the links we provide in these updates. We are working to resolve barriers, but it’s unlikely to get better anytime soon. So …
Old Fashioned Link Listing - We’re going to write out the links. You’ll see them all below. If you get blocked, just copy/paste the link into your browser.
Please DONATE if You Can - if you are so inclined, please go to https://truethevote.org/donate and make a donation today. We need your help. Every dollar is being immediately deployed to the many projects currently underway, with more coming.
What projects? I’m glad you asked! Lots happening …
IV3 (https://iv3.us) - this web-based app equips citizens with access to their local voter rolls, along with comparisons to other databases showing whether the voter has moved, has registered in another state, is registered at a mailing center or other non-standard address, etc. To date nearly 40,000 people have signed up for IV3 and over 6,000 are using the app on a daily basis to challenge ineligible records. Since April, IV3 has helped support the submission of 317,886 invalid voter records to counties/municipalities across the country. Lots more to be done, but the work is definitely moving the needle!
Scan. Check. Protect (https://truethevote.org/registration) - this effort helps people register to vote, check their registration, and remove old registrations from any state in which you no longer reside. We focus on this app when we are out at events (check out our social media (https://x.com/truethevote or https://truthsocial.com/@truethevote) to see all the videos. We are seeing massive engagement, with over 100,000 registrations or registration cleanups in just the last few months.
Voto Honesto (https://truethevote.org/es) - True the Vote for the Latino community, with all material presented in Spanish. Again, massively successful, as we are reaching new pro-liberty, pro-family voters through new channels. Our website posts and social media posts are translated to raise awareness in this community. Last week, Voto Honesto was one of the featured initiatives at the Faith and Freedom Coalition, which has opened more doors nationwide!
Voto Honesto spokeswoman Violeta Sarria speaks to a packed house at the recent Faith and Freedom event in Washington, D.C.
The 611 Project (https://truethevote.org/the-611-project) - a deep dive into the issues surrounding non-citizen voting and a call to action! Read our handbook, check to see your state’s verification process, and join the over 25,000 Americans who’ve reached out to their representatives to demand the Federal Government release citizenship data to the States so they can verify voters’ citizenship. There are solutions to be had - and they can be implemented before the General Election - but we must keep the pressure on! (and huge hat tip to America First Legal for their recent publication of a legislative roadmap by which states can demand access to access to federal data - great work!)
Training and Support (https://truethevote.org/toolkits) - this area will be ramping up dramatically over the next month. We’re currently working on state specific support material and a national helpline, which (funds permitting) we will advertise broadly to ensure election workers and voters have the resources they need. Our training programs are used across the pro-liberty movement, not just by True the Vote. We don’t care who gets the credit as long as the work gets done. But, we do want you to know that we are the wind under lots of wings 😀 !
3x Week Webinars and Podcast (https://onward.locals.com) - Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon central and Mondays at six central, we are live on Locals, answering questions and sharing all the latest news. Check it out!
Lawfare - We are actively engaged in many lawsuits - from fighting back against Fair Fight in their appeal to the 11th circuit after our victory in Federal Court in a battle to clean voter rolls in Georgia, to a case involving ‘2000 Mules’ (see our statement about the recent announcement of Salem’s settlement in the case. Our position is unchanged.), to assisting in the defense of other efforts ranging from election contests to supporting citizens’ right to protest.)
What’s the Plan for States and Counties? We’ve recently posted all the responses we’ve received from our open records requests of all 50 states and the 200 largest counties, asking what their process is for evaluating citizenship in voter records. Suffice to say, the response has been alarmingly bad. Please take a minute to check our how your state (and county) responded and then speak out! We’ve made it easy, and you can see it all at The 611 Project. (https://truethevote.org/the-611-project)
Can You Serve? - I am more OPTIMISTIC than ever about the way things are coming together in support of pro-liberty values, including the critical need for election integrity. This is an all hands on deck moment. If you can volunteer your time, please let us know at https://truethevote.org/sign-up. If you are ready to work we can get you busy!
Stay Focused, Stay Positive, Keep Moving Forward - Don’t let the naysayers get in your head. From doomsday predictions about November (and “influencers” suggesting the best option is not to vote (?) to smears against us and others … it is bad now but it will only get worse in the months ahead. Fear not. Whatever comes, we will make it through, together. These are the death rattles of a totalitarian regime that cannot stand against an awakened America. People are fed up! Liberty is making a comeback! It’s time to go all in!
One Thing You Can Do Today - send a link to Scan. Check. Protect. to your family and friends, along with a loving reminder to get registered if they aren’t already, check their current registration to make sure it’s accurate and active, and clean up any voter registrations that are still on the rolls in states where they no longer live. Everything is explained on this page https://truethevote.org/registration!
Thank You! - the only reason we can do what we do is because you are in this with us. Whether you are donating time, treasure, or both, we appreciate you! Thank you!
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
We are smack-dab, center stage in the arena. It is not easy. Lots of things go unwritten and unsaid because it is best that way, for now. But be assured, we are fighting on all fronts - we will never quit - we are not alone - and we are winning. Keep the Faith!
Ever onward-

P.S. One more donation request. Please consider helping us if you can! We literally cannot do it without you. Adding a link to the button, but if you are blocked please go to https://truethevote.org/donate