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Gird Up and Go | What We're Doing and How You Can Help

Commit today to work in your local elections in 2024.

Hi Friend -

Lots to catch up on! But first, let’s set the theme for this update …

Gird Up and Go.

As of today, there are 57 days between now and November 5th. Only 57 days.

The window of opportunity has closed for many things that could have, and should have, been done by now. Not the projects we are working on at True the Vote, mind you. Our focus is on a few very specific efforts, described below. We are trained, prepared, and ready to roll.

But we are being peppered with requests for resources and support for new ideas, untested theories, and fantastical expectations. Maybe you are seeing this, too.

There is no more time. We must gird up and go.

In Voter Registration. Voter registration is still happening. Some states stop registration 30 days before the election, in "same day registration states”, registration continues right up through Election Day. Having assisted over 30,000 people in registering or correcting their records, True the Vote’s Scan.Check.Protect. is a fast path for registration and review. In Voter Registration, we are girded up and ready.

In Voter Roll Evaluation. The federal standard, known as NVRA, closes down maintenance efforts, in almost all states, 90 days before an election. This deadline has passed. True the Vote’s IV3 Project assessed voter rolls in 47 states. We helped voters in over 1600 counties file over a 1,000,000 challenges of potentially ineligible voter registration records. We know that there are over 25 million such records, but now ... it all comes down to who votes. Our early work in this area set us up to now monitor incoming votes from potentially problematic records and forward findings to appropriate parties. In Voter Roll Evaluation, we are girded up and ready.

In Training and Support. From Election Worker trainings, to producing reference guides for in-field support, and launching the VoteAlert hotline app for voters and election workers, we are helping recruit, train, and support volunteers nationwide. Mobilization is something that must be done by the parties or candidates. Exceedingly frustrating, but nonetheless true. But, for as much as can be done, we are girded up and ready.

In Monitoring Ballot Dropboxes. In 2020 and 2022, we learned more than we could have imagined about ballot dropbox monitoring. Our plan involves AI-driven cameras and real-time livestreaming, equipping Sheriffs where possible, other individuals where necessary. We have tested the tech for over a year. We have our own data center, so the livestream cannot be “disappeared”. We need funding to scale, but otherwise, we are girded up and ready.

In Real-Time Reporting. Using the Ground Fusion analytic platform and VoteAlert reporting, we will host daily broadcasts beginning in early October. Media quizzlings will do The Machine’s bidding. We will tell you what’s happening on the ground and give you options to GOTN (Get Out The News). For this too, we are girded up and ready.

In Multilingual Outreach. What started as Latino outreach through Voto Honesto has expanded from Spanish to now include Vietnamese, Mandarin, and Korean. In this time of polarization and confusion, we are meeting voters where they’re at and sharing election facts in whatever language we need to. The common denominator is our shared love for America. Together, we are girded up and ready.

In Prayer. We are so blessed by our ongoing collaboration with Intercessors for America. The ‘Pray the Vote’ initiative gives you very specific ways to pray for voters. Check it out here! Praying it though with IFA, we are girded up and ready.

We have volunteers hosting voter registration and support events at long term care facilities (The Older But Wiser Project), voters righteously railing against the noncitizen voting fiasco (The 611 Project), we are still fighting in court on several lawsuits, still hosting weekly Q&A workshops, and we are assisting many other groups and efforts, in ways seen and unseen. All of that is still going on, but … it’s time to focus on what we, the American People, can bring to this game.

It’s time to lock in on what you can do. Roll up your sleeves. Think outside the box. The goal is simple, get everyone you can to vote to save the Republic. Serve in your local election. Report problems. And pray. There is no single effort that will right all the past wrongs. This is a 1,000 front war. Let’s gird up and go.

If you can support our work …. please do. The needs are so great but resources are limited. We wish this wasn’t the case, but it is. To support the hotline, to install and stream cameras, to keep all the plates spinning, it is our goal to raise $750,000 over the next 30 days. If we can raise it, we can deploy it. But in any case, we will stay focused.

I’ll wrap up with this - a reminder of what we do what we do. True the Vote recently had the great privilege of assisting a candidate running for office in Georgia. Ambrose King Jr., nephew of Martin Luther King, Jr., lost a school board race due to fraudulent votes and inaccurate district maps. Ambrose called us when no one else would listen. We listened, we researched, we helped with legal counsel … and we are thrilled to report that the court overturned the errant election and Ambrose is now slated for another election in November. Check out this clip 👇. You can read the whole story here.

We are in a fight like never before.

Stay strong. Keep the faith. Never quit. Ephesians 6 FTW!

Ever onward -

P.S. Please join us for Thursday’s VoteAlert training! Click here to go to Onward!