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- December 30 Fundraising letter
December 30 Fundraising letter
True the Vote Year End

Hi -
Happy New Year!
As we look ahead to 2023, there is still time to help True the Vote stand strong in defense of voters’ rights. We face a formidable foe - a political machine that requires our complacency to retain its power. Over the past several years, it has become clear that there is a larger scheme afoot, one that intends to fundamentally change the United States and entrench one-party rule.
But the walls are beginning to crumble. America is waking up. We are finding our way back to election integrity. We are talking about it fearlessly. We are connecting with others who share our convictions. We are showing up to vote, to work at our polling places, and to learn our election processes so that we have many eyes on Election Day activities. Our best strategy is to stay engaged to help stop the corruption and rebuild local elections to ensure a fair and honest process.
It won’t be easy. It won’t happen overnight. But it must happen.
We know where the problems lie – inaccurate and bloated voter rolls, mail-in ballot abuses, Election Day dirty tricks, and pervasive lawlessness. The fraud has been institutionalized.
In 2022, True the Vote developed programs that empowered people to address the biggest election problems facing their local communities.
Independent Voter Verification and Validation (I-V3.us) - Provides citizens with the tools to legally challenge inaccurate voter registrations. In 2022, over 2,200 volunteers successfully submitted challenges for 800,000+ ineligible registrations.
ProtectAmerica.Vote- Based on input and citizens’ nominations, True the Vote connected with approximately 900 sheriffs nationwide, providing them with peer-reviewed best practices on working with local election officials and the public to ensure a lawful election.
Election Integrity Tipline- Our online reporting platform and phone bank supported 24/7 by operators trained to support citizens who call in for help or to report election irregularities. The True the Vote team refers high risk calls to local authorities and thousands are investigated internally. In 2022, our tip line received over 10,000 reports of suspicious activities. More than 30,000 independent ballot dropbox monitors used the tip line to report findings from their observations during the 2022 midterm election cycle.
Ground Fusion Center- An ongoing initiative to collect key election data and coordinate with researchers and analysts to develop Election Intelligence that can be used in litigation, legislative support, multimedia productions, and to further the efforts of law enforcement.
Additionally, we provided presentations and testimonies regarding nationwide abuse of ballot dropboxes, premiered the movie ‘2000 Mules’, hosted weekly podcasts on Locals, and fought all year long in major courtroom battles.
The pressure never let up - and we never backed down.
As taxpayers and voters, we should be able to count on our elected officials, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement to protect our elections from foreign and domestic subversion. Until that day comes, it falls upon all of us - We the People - to defend our Republic. Together, we will build upon our wins in 2022 and continue to fight for fair and honest elections.
Please help us continue to stand strong - in court, in media, with law enforcement and legislatures, online, and in community. The battle to secure the 2024 election cycle begins now. We need your support more than ever before. If you would, please consider making a year-end donation to help fund our work. We cannot fail. The stakes are too high.
Ever onward -

PS All contributions to True the Vote made by 11:59 pm December 31st, 2022 will count as a tax-deduction for the 2022 tax year.

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