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  • Americans in the Arena - Please Help If You Can

Americans in the Arena - Please Help If You Can

Thank you for your support!

Hi Friend -

I’m writing to you today with both an update and a request.

First, the Update

Over these last few months, True the Vote has been firing on all cylinders:

  • IV3 - Assisted volunteers in 1623 counties across the country to submit ineligible voter records to their county elections office. This effort, called IV3 (IV3.us) was an enormous success, resulting in over 1,000,000 records being evaluated. Our next step is to monitor these ineligible records to determine whether they request an absentee ballot or cast an early vote. This information will be useful in a variety of ways, not the least of which is litigation support.

  • Lawfare - Submitted our response to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Fair Fight vs. True the Vote lawsuit. (We won in Georgia federal court, then Fair Fight appealed to the 11th circuit and we necessarily filed a response brief.)The lawsuit concerned voters’ rights to petition government over ineligible voter registration records - and our win in federal court was an awesome victory, in Georgia and across the country. This is just one of several cases we are involved in.

  • Scan. Check. Protect. - So far, we’ve assisted over 30,000 Americans with Scan. Check. Protect., our online program for voter registration, voter record review, record cancellation, and mail-in ballot tracking.

  • “We Will Not Be Silenced” - We debuted this documentary on Open.ink. It is a compilation of harrowing testimonials from Democrats who experienced how Barack Obama appeared to have stolen the 2008 primary from the Hillary Clinton. This is a must-watch piece of history, informing us about what kind of behavior we can expect in the general election, as the Obama team is again calling the shots, this time for Kamala.

  • VoteAlert - VoteAlert.org is a web app to support voters and election workers in incident reporting, whether online or through our 24×7 live call center.

  • Pray the Vote - Together with our longtime partner Intercessors for America we’re supporting a joint initiative to Pray the Vote, identifying voters who haven’t participated in a while and praying for them, for election workers, and for an honorable election season.

  • Voto Honesto - Launched a Spanish radio show with Voto Honesto spokesperson Violet Sarria - reaching citizens and noncitizens alike with clarifying commentary on voter engagement, including who is and is not allowed to vote.

  • On the Road Again - Traveled all over the country, speaking, training, supporting - and setting up camp in Wisconsin, as we make plans to address the coming installment of nearly 600 dropboxes across this key battleground state. (I’m not going to publish all we are doing, as it will undoubtedly be used against us, but we are doing … a lot).

  • Open Mics - 3x a week webinars and podcasts to support volunteers, answer questions, and keeping working smart.

  • Activist Support - Consistently message to volunteers with efforts led by Meg Denning, to assist, train, engage, and make an impact. You can find one of Meg’s newsletters here (if you aren’t already getting them, you can sign up here.)

  • Fake News - Continued to absorb the body blows from legacy media. From CNN’s stalking of TTV volunteers, to Democracy Docket’s completely unhinged article on our work with Sheriffs, and countless hundreds of similar slams intended to discredit and discourage us all. The fallout from fake news spurs coordinated attacks on our websites, and flooded inboxes and voice messages full of the most hateful things you can imagine, including very specific death threats. (But, newsflash, it’s not working, we are more determined than ever.)

This is all since about May. (And there’s lots more on our website).

Our volunteer base is steadily growing, as is our social media following.

And we are making an impact. As more and more evidence of corruption has been exposed, public sentiment has changed. The majority of Americans (62% according to a recent Rasmussen poll) now believe that we do have a problem with election fraud. Past naysayers have gone from calling us “election deniers”, to being willing to help support local elections in an effort to avoid reliving the 2020 boondoggle. The situation is far from perfect - but we are on the right road and must keep moving forward.

Now, the Request

Will you please consider making a donation to support our work? I wish we had a war chest that would allow us to work without the need to ask, but that’s not the position we are in.

The opposition wants to ensure that we are defunded — in fact, they have been fairly successful at draining our coffers through the many frivolous lawsuits they’ve kept us in.

The truth of the matter is this — we are in the center of the arena. Leading the charge. Fighting every day, in ways seen and unseen, to advance the call for voters’ rights and honest elections.

In these next few months, we’re going to give it all we’ve got. No rest, no regrets. We have big things planned. Please help us if you can.

I know you are being asked for money every day, all the time. I receive the same emails and texts, I know it’s overwhelming.

All I can tell you is, we will remain in the arena come what may. We need your help. We are giving to a point of sacrifice. We humbly ask that you join us in the arena today with a donation that would help us not just to stay afloat, but to make a permanent difference for our country — for all of us, for our families, and the next generation.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

- Excerpted from “Citizenship in a Republic” by Theodore Roosevelt

Never quit. Keep the faith.

Ever onward -

P.S. If you would, please also consider forwarding this email to your friends. We need all the support we can muster to stay standing strong.